Resources to Grow Your Business
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8 Steps To Creating Your Perfect God-centered Business
Get out of the trap of indecision to find focus and direction.
Learn a foundational formula to help entrepreneurial-spirited Christian women transition into a focused business specifically designed for them so they have clarity in direction and can experience satisfaction serving those God has called them to serve.
What is Holding You Back from Discovering God's Design for Your Business?
Escape indecision, serve your ideal clients, and build a business aligned with Godâs design of you! Discover what might be holding you back and how to overcome it.
Take the Discovery Quiz
Learn How You Identify With a Specific Career Woman in the Bible.
Although these women's cultures, roles, and locations differed from today, their hearts and hopes are just as relevant.
Clarify your calling by following your Biblical businesswoman.
Take the Mentor Quiz
Life Shift QuizÂ
Take the SHIFT Quiz to find out where you are on your journey to something BIG!
When I was ready to shift in my business, I was scared! I felt restless, like I was missing something big that God wanted me to do. But when I made the shift, everything changed. Opportunities opened up, I was propelled forward, and my business grew. I finally took action.
Is it time for you to make a SHIFT? Then, it's time to stop procrastinating and make real progress. At the end of the quiz, you'll receive your SHIFT score to see where you stand.
Take the Shift Quiz
Truth & Business Show on YouTube Or Podcast
I invite you to learn more about me and my work by watching my Truth and Business Show on YouTube or by listening in on the Podcast.
CLARIFY: 12 Principles to Illuminate Your Calling to the Marketplace
Apply my Clarity Book to your business and life for God-centered focus and clarity.
God designed you to work. He created you for this time in history to fulfill His plan. You are part of HIStory. Only you can bring to the world the unique set of skills, talents, gifts, and experiences that make up you.
Clarify Your Calling with the Clarity Book
The Clarity Book covers eleven biblical women who placed their trust in God to be exactly who He called them to be. Each woman illustrates a principle you can apply to your business and entrepreneurial endeavors to make it God-centered and serve others.

Faith and Business Blog by Deneen TB
Stay connected with my blog that provides helpful insights, encouragement, and tools. God is calling you to MORE, and this is the place to learn how to live out your Calling in HIStory.
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